Here’s why the technical inspection of two-wheelers will weigh more heavily on your budget

The technical inspection for motorcycles, initially planned at a modest cost of 50 euros, has been increased, now reaching around 75 euros.

Unexpected rise in costs for motorcyclists #

This significant increase sparks a strong reaction among two-wheeler drivers.

The decision to increase the price of technical inspection was taken despite previous forecasts, which caused a shock wave in the motorcycling community in France.

A regulatory obligation that is a source of tension #

The introduction of a compulsory technical inspection for motorcycles and other motorized two-wheelers has been announced by the State. This measure, which aims to strengthen road safety, is however not welcomed with enthusiasm by everyone.

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Road safety officials, like Alain Dubois of the FFMC, argue that this measure is superfluous. According to them, technical improvements and the drop in mortality over the last ten years do not justify such a decision.

When costs vary from one center to another #

The price of technical inspection for two-wheelers is not standardized and varies from one center to another. Estimates show that prices can vary between 49 and 88 euros, which leaves a large margin of uncertainty for consumers.

The average price, although higher than expected, remains in theory lower than that of technical inspections for cars, which amounts on average to 72 euros including tax. However, the reality of costs for bikers may be quite different.

  • Initially planned at 50 euros, the average cost is now 75 euros.
  • Technical inspection is now compulsory for all categories of two-wheelers.
  • Price variability between different centers can confuse consumers.
Appearance Detail
📈 Price Increase in cost planned to 75 euros on average, instead of 50 euros.
🏍️ Mandatory All two-wheelers must undergo a technical inspection.
📊 Variability Variable costs ranging from 49 to 88 euros depending on the control center.

Technical inspection for two-wheelers, which has become a regulatory obligation in France, has been accompanied by a notable increase in costs. This measure, intended to improve road safety, sparked mixed reactions among motorcyclists and professionals in the sector. Debate continues over the effectiveness and necessity of this measure, while drivers should prepare for higher than expected expenses. With implementation planned so as not to surprise in the middle of summer, the government hopes to minimize inconvenience while ensuring safety on the roads.

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