Here’s how the new express bus line will revolutionize your journeys in Muretain

Le Muretain Agglo has officially launched work on LEX 1, a future express bus line which promises to transform regional mobility.

A key project for the future of travel #

This initiative aims to reduce traffic congestion and encourage the use of public transport.

Scheduled to be operational at the end of 2025, LEX 1 will connect Muret Nord station to the Basso Cambo metro in just 35 minutes. A stop has already been unveiled near the Ford Route d’Espagne roundabout, marked by the symbolic planting of a young lime tree.

Policy implications and community support #

During the launch, André Mandement, mayor of Muret and president of Muretain Agglo, underlined the importance of the project for the quality of life of residents. This project is the result of close collaboration between the State, the region, and various local partners.

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Sébastien Vincini, president of the departmental council, affirmed that this project represents a “big bang” for local mobility, committing to significantly improving traffic conditions in an area particularly affected by traffic jams.

Reactions and perspectives of the municipalities concerned #

The mayors of the municipalities along the LEX 1 route expressed their optimism about the positive effects of the project. Thierry Suaud, mayor of Portet-sur-Garonne, insisted on the need to strengthen public transport to respond to traffic challenges.

Sylvain Mabire, mayor of Roques, highlighted the speed of the work and the efforts made to minimize inconvenience for users during this transition period.

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  • LEX 1: Express bus line between Muret and Basso Cambo
  • Commissioning: End of 2025
  • Estimated travel time: 35 minutes
  • Impact: Reduction of congestion, promotion of public transport
Element Details
🚧 Works Launch of work for LEX 1, aimed at improving travel in Muretain.
🌳 Symbolism Planting a young lime tree symbolizing the start of work.
🚌 Mobility An express bus service to efficiently connect Muret Nord to Basso Cambo.
🤝 Collaboration Project supported by the State, the region and local authorities to improve the quality of life.
🛣️ Impact on traffic Alleviation of traffic problems in a highly congested area.

The LEX 1 initiative is more than just a transportation project; it is a commitment to a future where sustainable mobility is key. The expected benefits will not only be limited to reduced travel times, but will include a general improvement in the quality of life, with less travel-related stress and a greener environment.

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