These controversial methods for managing pigeons in Lourdes: the PAZ association seeks clarification

The Paris Animaux Zoopolis (PAZ) association turned to the administrative court of Pau, looking for clear answers on the management of pigeons by the city of Lourdes.

The challenge of transparency in Lourdes #

Faced with a refusal from the town hall to disclose its strategies, the association expresses concerns about the potentially cruel methods used.

Indeed, the city remains silent about its practices, raising questions about the use of ethically questionable techniques. This opacity leads PAZ to intensify its efforts to obtain access to this essential information, in accordance with their legal right.

Pigeon control methods in question #

Current methods of controlling pigeon populations vary widely, with some more controversial than others. Among them, capture followed by euthanasia by CO2 gassing or night shooting campaigns raise major concerns.

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The use of falconers to scare away pigeons is also practised, although its effectiveness and ethics are questioned. Sterilization, although less common, is mentioned, but it carries concerning mortality rates, raising questions about its long-term viability.

Ethical alternatives proposed by PAZ #

Faced with these questionable methods, PAZ recommends gentler alternatives, such as the installation of contraceptive dovecotes. In these structures, real eggs are replaced with fake ones, thereby limiting reproduction without harming the birds.

Another proposed solution is the use of contraceptive corn, which prevents eggs from hatching. These methods, according to the association, offer a more humane and potentially more effective long-term approach to managing urban pigeon populations.

Here are the key points of the situation in Lourdes:

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Appearance Detail
🔍 Survey PAZ is seeking information on pigeon management methods in Lourdes.
🕊️ Methods in question Use of gassing, shooting and falconers.
🌱 Alternatives Contraceptive dovecotes and contraceptive corn.

Here is a list of methods used and proposed alternatives:

  • CO2 gassing
  • Night shots
  • Scaring by falconers
  • Contraceptive dovecotes
  • Contraceptive corn

As PAZ continues to fight for increased transparency and the implementation of more ethical pigeon management methods, the situation in Lourdes remains a focal point of this debate. The association hopes that public and legal pressure will encourage the city to reconsider its current strategies and adopt alternatives that respect the well-being of urban animals.

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