Here’s what you need to know about the increase in gas prices from May 1, 2024, prepare your budget!

Beginning May 1, 2024, natural gas prices will experience a slight increase.

An inevitable increase from the beginning of May #

This change will directly affect the bills of French consumers. This is an adjustment that impacts the entire territory covered by Gaz Réseau Distribution France.

This price revision is the result of fluctuations in the wholesale natural gas market, which is showing signs of rebound. Consumers should therefore expect to see their variable share of costs increase slightly.

How are prices adjusted? #

The Energy Regulatory Commission determines the average price per kilowatt hour for gas used for cooking and hot water as well as heating. For May, the cost per kilowatt hour for cooking and hot water will increase to 0.11061 euros, and to 0.08940 euros for heating.

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This monthly estimate is crucial since it serves as a benchmark for consumers wishing to find the most competitive offers adapted to their needs.

The impact on your budget #

The specific increases announced are 1.23 euros per megawatt hour for the variable part excluding taxes and 1.48 euros per megawatt hour for the variable part all taxes included. These numbers may seem small, but accumulated they can weigh on the monthly household budget.

It is therefore essential for consumers to understand these changes and anticipate them when managing their family budget. Taking the time to compare offers from different suppliers could prove economical.

  • Increase in kWh prices for cooking and hot water.
  • Increase in kWh prices for heating.
  • Direct impact on consumer bills.
  • Importance of comparing offers to save.
Appearance Detail
📈 Price increase Slight increase in natural gas prices from May 1, 2024.
🏠 Impact on households Increase in the variable part of costs which will influence monthly invoices.
🔍 Comparison of offers Essential for finding the most advantageous contracts and reducing expenses.

In summary, the slight increase in natural gas prices in May 2024 requires particular attention from consumers. It is advisable to remain vigilant and compare the different offers available on the market to optimize energy costs. Every penny saved can help ease the financial pressure on households, especially in a fluctuating economic context.

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