Here are the endless delays in accessing healthcare in France: a reality that affects all citizens

A recent study by the Jean-Jaurès Foundation, based on data from Doctolib, highlights the territorial divides in terms of health in France.

A revealing map of inequalities #

The figures speak for themselves: certain regions are veritable medical deserts where accessing a simple appointment can turn into an obstacle course.

Analysis of 200 million consultations reveals that delays in seeing a specialist, such as a dermatologist or ophthalmologist, can extend over months. This situation is all the more critical as the demand for care has exploded following the Covid-19 pandemic.

Variable but often excessive delays #

According to the study, the median waiting times for an appointment with a general practitioner are 3 days, but this figure rises to 42 days for a cardiologist. This alarming finding shows how difficult it can be to access specialized care in a timely manner.

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Practitioners are trying to meet this growing demand, in particular via teleconsultation, which has grown significantly, making it possible to cover certain urgent needs and to continue psychiatric care.

Political measures facing the challenges of access to care #

Faced with these issues, the government has presented measures to improve access to care. However, despite these efforts, he remains reluctant to impose facility constraints for doctors, which could help solve the problem of medical deserts.

Local authorities also play a crucial role, particularly in Occitanie where the health centers created have received a favorable reception. These local initiatives are essential to improve access to care in the most affected areas.

  • Waiting at the GP: 3 days
  • Waiting at the pediatrician: 7 days
  • Waiting for the cardiologist: 42 days
  • Teleconsultation on the rise
  • Government measures in response
Appearance Detail
😷 General access 3 days median wait
👀 Ophthalmologist access Deadlines extended to several months
❤️ Cardiologist access 42 days median wait
📞 Teleconsultation Steadily increasing, used for emergencies

In summary, although efforts are being made to reduce waiting times and improve access to care, much remains to be done to combat health inequalities in France. The increase in teleconsultation and local initiatives are steps in the right direction, but the challenges remain considerable, particularly for medical specialties where delays are the longest.

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