Here are common shower mistakes you need to avoid now for your health

It is essential to recognize the importance of good personal hygiene, but it is equally crucial to ensure that the methods used are not only effective but also safe.

The hidden dangers of your shower routines #

Michel Cymes, a recognized health expert, highlights several common practices in the shower that could compromise your well-being.

The first common mistake is the use of inappropriate products for body washing. Often we choose soaps and shower gels based on their scent or brand without considering their impact on our skin type. This can lead to irritation, dryness, or other skin problems.

Common mistakes when choosing shower products #

Michel Cymes insists that choosing the right type of soap is crucial for the health of your skin. Too aggressive a soap can destroy the hydrolipidic film which protects the skin against bacteria and other pathogens. It is therefore important to select a product suited to your skin type, whether dry, oily or sensitive.

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Additionally, excessive use of accessories such as sponges, washcloths or shower flowers can be detrimental. These items can become breeding grounds for bacteria if they are not properly cleaned and dried after each use. Michel Cymes advises minimizing their use or sterilizing them regularly.

A shower method recommended by Michel Cymes #

Michel Cymes recommends a simpler, more hygienic approach to showering. Instead of using gloves and sponges, he suggests using your hands to apply the soap, which allows for better control over the force used and reduces the risk of skin irritation.

It is also essential to pay attention to the pH of shower products. A product with a balanced pH is less likely to harm the skin. Cymes advises checking product labels and choosing those that are specifically designed to be gentle and respectful of the skin barrier.

Here’s a quick checklist for your next shower session:

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  • Check the pH of your shower products.
  • Choose soaps suited to your skin type.
  • Avoid excessive use of bath accessories like sponges.
  • Clean and dry your bath accessories after each use.
  • Use your hands to apply the soap to control the strength and avoid irritation.
Appearance Details
Products Choice of soap adapted to skin type to avoid irritation.
🛁 Accessories Limited use of sponges and gloves to reduce bacterial risks.
✋ App Using hands to apply soap, allowing for gentle, controlled washing.

By following these tips, you can not only improve your cleansing routine but also protect your skin from potential damage. It’s a simple step that can go a long way to your overall health and well-being.

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