This is how an RSA couple with more than 500,000 euros in the bank lost everything by being caught by the courts

A couple receiving RSA was discovered with more than 500,000 euros spread across eleven different bank accounts.

The shocking discovery of bank accounts #

This situation raised many questions, as they lived in a modest apartment on the fifth floor of a public housing project.

The investigation revealed that the couple had only declared 7,700 euros in income, while the Family Allowance Fund had paid them nearly 45,000 euros over two years.

Judgment and consequences #

The case was brought before the Lorient court in June 2021, where the judge was stunned by the couple’s explanations. They were heavily sanctioned for their actions.

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The court ordered the reimbursement of the sums unduly received as well as the payment of taxes on undeclared income, thus emptying their bank accounts.

The excuses invoked and their impact #

The accused tried to justify himself by claiming that his brother, residing in Germany, had asked him to open these accounts for a business of selling public works equipment. However, he did not provide any evidence to support his claims.

The president of the court stressed that the couple had continued to make their quarterly declarations to receive the RSA, despite the large sums present in their accounts.

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  • More than 500,000 euros across eleven accounts.
  • Only 7,700 euros declared to CAF.
  • 45,000 euros received from the RSA in two years.
Appearance Detail
😮 Total amount More than 500,000 euros in the accounts
🏢 Place of residence 5th floor of an HLM
👨‍⚖️ Judge’s reaction Severe penalties and repayment requirement
📉 Financial consequences Accounts emptied after payment of debts

The lesson learned by the couple #

After the trial, the couple said they learned their lesson. The father was sentenced to 18 months in prison, suspended on probation, and the mother to six months.

This case highlights the risks and serious consequences linked to social security benefit fraud and the concealment of income.

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